
The Plan for a Renewable Rikers: A Step in the Right Direction for Climate and Racial Justice

The Plan for a Renewable Rikers: A Step in the Right Direction for Climate and Racial Justice

While all are at risk, certain communities are and will be disproportionately affected by environmental injustice and related health issues. With a population of approximately 2.23 million people, the borough of Queens is the second-largest in New York City. It is also the most diverse, with 47% percent of residents born outside the U.S. One particular issue affecting its residents - that of air pollution - is both representative of similar issues facing people across the country and the world, and also highlights the intersectional lens that one needs to use when addressing climate change.

The Budget Against our Environment

The Budget Against our Environment

In short, these cuts would make our government unable to adequately respond to environmental disasters, like chemical waste spillsand pipeline bursts, or lead contamination in drinking water. It would also steal away any opportunity for Americans to prepare for climate impacts by cutting research and removing preparedness programs.