Call Your Government

Have your Voice Heard - Call your Government

Below is a call script that can be amended for contacting your state and federal Representatives, Senators, and Governors. Activism begins with you.

Get those digits



Hi, my name is ______{Your Name}_____ , from ____ {Location: City, State, Zip Code}___ . I'm calling ___{Name of: Senator / Representative / Governor}___ , to call on them to support climate action through: supporting clean energy, rejecting fossil fuel resource projects, and to address climate impacts affecting us all.

{Add a sentence or two on a CURRENT POLICY / APPOINTMENT up for DEBATE or a VOTE}

{TIP: Pressing about a current issue or vote is always better than calling for something broad like 'world peace', have something specific in mind when you call.}

Just a gentle reminder that you work for us, and that history will remember you.

Thank you,



How best to contact?

  • Phone calls are always best. Try to at least leave a message if no one answers.

  • For Congresspersons, they all have local & Washington D.C. offices - call both if one number is busy.

  • Mailbox full? No Answer? - Call back tomorrow and email them through their respective websites today.

  • Social Media: This only works if you tweet at them. But this is not the best way to have your views recorded for consideration.